Wednesday, September 30, 2009

We May Have a Hard Time Saying Goodbye......

Not that it's near that time yet....but clearly Sulwen is going to really, really miss Millie. I think Millie loves Sulwen too. She is super tolerant with her - enduring her daily coiffing and exuberant hugs. Millie follows Sulwen everywhere - even waiting at the bottom of the slide to shower her with licks when she comes down and trying to sit under the swing when she's on it.

Happiness is Millie's million kisses!

Happiness is snuggling with Millie!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Trip to Stillwater Cove

We've been enjoying great weather here and have taken a few beach trips with Millie. On this one we remembered to bring the camera.

This dog can run! She loved charging down to the water's edge and then racing back up the beach when the waves came in.

Millie at Stillwater Cove
(if you can't view the video below, go here)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Milestone - Sharing the Bed!

Millie and Wicket are used to being single dogs. At first they would have little to do with each other. Things were still amicable but a little stand off-ish. In the past day or so though, Wicket is trying harder and harder to engage Millie to play (she still prefers her toys) and they are sharing the big bed. These photos were not staged - they both got in and decided this is where they wanted to be. Yay!

Tuckered out after the third walk of the day.

Anxiously awaiting the next walk.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Morning with Millie

Welcome Millie!

We're totally happy to have Millie staying with us for a month or two. Everyone is adjusting really well and Sulwen especially is loving having a new canine guest.

Here are some pics from one of her first mornings with us. Fortunately Millie is not having to endure the "beauty salon" every day.

 Millie and Wicket resting after a morning romp in the living room.

Sulwen in her monkey hat and Millie with her monkey toy.

Millie gets a morning brushing.

And then she gets a hairband.

 Millie shows her appreciation
(or is she pleading to refrain from dress up?).